Conference Theme Pioneering Learning Environments

2023 Session
Right Technology to Make CBE Practical
Jose Granda, Common Goal Systems

Level: Intermediate
Grades: All

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Districts implementing competency-based education (CBE) often need help with their technology. Their current student information system (SIS) needs to support CBE better. They may have trouble with their gradebook, parent portal, and/or report cards. Educators may need help to implement CBE, lack good data to inform decisions, and mastery progress communication with families is poor. We hear many NH school districts say they are tired of clunky workarounds. In this session, hear how TeacherEase clients have taken practical approaches to solving their CBE challenges in NH. Their school districts leveraged better technology infrastructure and a future-proof SIS. Attendees will be able to see it in action!
2023 Session
Navigating the Skies of STEM: Teaching Robotics & Engineering with Drones
Jessica Carcerano-Wheeler, STEAM Teacher, Cooperative Middle School, and Andrew Irving, SAU16
Level: Beginner
Grades: 6-8, 9-12

Join us for an exciting and innovative conference dedicated to the use of drones in STEM education! Our event, "Navigating the Skies of STEM: Teaching Robotics and Engineering with Drones" will explore how drones can be leveraged as powerful tools to teach communication, coding, engineering, and high-energy aerial drone robotic competitions. This conference offers a unique opportunity to dive into the world of drone technology and its potential impact on STEM learning. This interactive, hand-on, workshop will equip educators with the skills and knowledge to integrate drones into their STEM curriculum. You will learn how to fly and program drones. We will discuss engineering and building aerial drone competition obstacle courses as well as grant and funding opportunities to help you get your drone program off the ground.
2023 Session
Ockers Company: Enhancing Classroom Engagement with TouchView Interactive.
Jason Houser, Ockers Company, and John Judge, Ockers Company

Level: Intermediate
Grades: Pre-K, K-5, 6-8, 9-12

Repeated: W4-06
Learn all about the NEW Gen 4 Ultra Series panel and how it can transform your classroom!
2023 Session
Leveraging AIs Power in Education While Ensuring Safety for Our Schools
Bill Carozza, NHASCD

Grades: All

Spotlight Session Live Streamed/Recorded Session
The CMCT23 opening panel focuses on the challenges facing educators presented by the swift evolution of Artificial Intelligence. In an era defined by rapid technological advancements, education has been at the forefront of leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to transform learning and teaching. This panel presentation brings together a diverse range of experts and perspectives to explore the potential, challenges, and best practices for integrating AI in education, while prioritizing the safety and well-being of our students and schools. Panel moderator is Bill Carozza, NHASCD Executive Director and panel members include: Ken Weeks ~ Chief Information Security Officer, State of NH, Mike Perez ~ Associate Head of School, Pinkerton Academy, Kaitlin Horner ~ Student, Keene State College, Randy Wormald ~ Superintendent of Schools, SAU 46, Charley Suter ~ Director of Technology & Innovation Spaulding Academy & Family Services, and Michelle Marino, Librarian & Digital Learning Specialist, Harold Martin School in Hopkinton.
2023 Session
Brave In The Attempt: Boldly Inclusive Learning ~ Virtual Keynote
Sean Arnold, NYC District 75

Grades: All

Keynote Session Live Streamed/Recorded Session
The breadth of societal, political, and structural challenges facing educators can seem daunting. And with the backdrop of pandemics, climate change, and the rapid advancement of new technologies, we can feel overwhelmed by what is asked of us as teachers and school leaders. But we can step into the fray seeking to make the best of one small moment in one classroom with one group of students and find ways to nurture that into a movement for real change. It is only in a jarringly honest space that we can see the needs of our students, our community, and our fellow educators. And in that space we will see examples of empowering students across backgrounds and ability levels to become the change makers we need for an uncertain future.
2023 Session
The State of AI in EDU Today
Christina DiMicelli, NHSTE Spotlight, Director of EdTech Learning & Growth, Pinkerton Academy

Level: Beginner
Grades: All

Spotlight Session Live Streamed/Recorded Session
From the time this description is written to the time we are in a session together, the AI in Education landscape will have changed - probably dramatically. Let's look at where we stand right now. What is important to know, how to be AI-Aware, and where to find the best resources.
2023 Session
Starting an Esports Team
Sam Dixon, Library Media Teacher, Bow High School, Bow School District, and Brian O'Connell, Bow High School
Level: Beginner
Grades: 6-8, 9-12

Live Streamed/Recorded Session
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This panel from Bow High School discusses their evolving esports team. Join coaches Sam Dixon and Allan Sheehy along with principal Brian O'Connell (who serves on the NHIAA esports committee) and student athletes as we share our experience. Panel members also include Jeffrey Collins, NHIAA Executive Director and Nate Chaput, NHIAA Sports Coordinator to provide information and answer questions regarding NHIAA eSports programing. Starting an esports team is assessable for any school regardless of expertise or resources.
2023 Session
Inquiry-based Learning
Christina DeBello, Technology Integrator, Barrington Middle School
Level: Beginner
Grades: All

Live Streamed/Recorded Session
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Discover how to implement inquiry-based learning in your classroom, while encouraging students to take ownership of their learning. Students are often disengaged from learning that occurs without student agency " inquiry is a way to tap into student potential and naturally pushes the teachers into a facilitator role. During this session, we will review a general framework for the inquiry process, while reviewing each step and discussing ways to integrate technology and support student learning.
2023 Session
Help with Today's Security Threats
Cyndy Currier, Licensing Program Manager, NHSTE, and Victoria Richards, Climb

Level: Beginner
Grades: All

The education sector remains a prime target for cybercriminals because of its sheer size and the large attack surface that offers the potential for significant financial gains. The number of devices and diversity of operating systems in the network, the increased use of e-learning tools leading to new vulnerabilities, and the varying degrees of technical knowledge in students, teachers, and administrative staff that loosen up cybersecurity in favor of usability are all the factors that affect this industry which is usually understaffed and underfunded. Learn about ways to secure educational institutions against a wide range of cyberattacks, including human led threats that technology alone cannot prevent. From managed detection and response (MDR) to endpoint and network security, there are solutions that enable schools to optimize their defenses and frees IT teams to focus on the use of school technology. Come learn how you can secure your network and protect your schools.
2023 Session
Ockers Company: Enhancing Classroom Engagement with TouchView Interactive.
Jason Houser, Ockers Company, and John Judge, Ockers Company

Level: Intermediate
Grades: Pre-K, K-5, 6-8, 9-12

Repeated: T4-06
Learn all about the NEW Gen 4 Ultra Series panel and how it can transform your classroom!