Session Number W3-07

2019 Session
Discover the Learner Using the UDL Lens
Kathleen McClaskey, ,

Level: Beginner
Grades: All

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When each learner can understand and advocate for who they are and how they learn, barriers to learning can be removed and engagement and motivation can result. But where do you begin? Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and personalized learning can be the perfect match to have every learner realize agency and take ownership to learning. UDL leverages the latest research from the neurosciences in order to create more inclusive learning experiences, but how can we use UDL to empower every learner with the tools and skills to become independent self-directed learners with agency, learners who are future ready for college, career and life? In this interactive 2-part session, participants will step into the learner's shoes and apply the UDL Lens of Access, Engage and Express in a practical 3-Step "Discover the Learner" Process to understand the value of knowing learners' strengths, challenges and aspirations as a foundation for acquiring the lifelong skills of agency and self-advocacy.